Thursday 20 September 2012


Proverbs 31:10-11
A wife of noble character who can find
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

Do you ever feel like your husband lacks confidence in you? 

I do. I feel like that often. Not because of his words, but because of my own feelings of inadequacy. I am often feeling like I am not that "perfect" wife or mother.  Like my house isn't clean enough, my meals aren't tasty enough and that I am not as good of a wife as I could be. 
My Mr is such a loving guy and would never say anything to purposefully hurt or upset me, but there are times when what he says or how he says it, can feed into my feelings of inadequacy.

A recent example of this in my life was a few months ago when I gave birth to Little E. My labour was fairly easy which was an answer to prayer, delivery was painful and involved lots of stitches afterward. And then shortly after leaving the hospital I ended up back in the ER with some serious complications.

During that time we had my wonderful parents around to help with watching Little A while we delivered and then for a day or two after.  Then my dad came back to help watch her while we were in and out of the hospital.

For those of us with children we all know how hard the first few days or for some, weeks, are. Its hard enough to take care of that new little blessing let alone ourselves and the rest of the household. This is where my confidence in myself and my abilities fled. My loving husband was trying to help me out with the baby and my health issues. And my dad was being amazing taking care of Little A. But the house was a complete disaster, if the guys cleaned anything it was just the kitchen and the dishes.  They didn't really do much beyond that.

When my mom came down on the weekends to help out she took care of anything she could clean. It was such a blessing.

But it felt like I was failing.  It still feels like I am failing when my house is a mess and things aren't getting done. ( I am also attempting to pack up our house to move so that doesnt help)

It was a terrible feeling having to have someone else come and clean up our mess. To take care of things that I should have been able to take care of. Not that anyone but myself expected that I be able to do those things in the condition I was in.

I think most women that you talk to would, if answering truthfully, say that they often feel inadequate or that they are falling short in some area of their lives.  The expectations we put on ourselves can be so high.  We don't give ourselves enough credit for the things that we do on a daily basis, and a lot of the things that we do are chores that do have to be done daily.  ( do you ever wish that the dishes would do themselves, I hate that there is always dishes to be cleaned, even after you have finally cleaned them all you turn around and it is another meal or snack, and you have to do it all over again.)

My prayer today is that God would show us what normal tasks we do are truly important and which are just distracting us from him and the jobs he has given us. That he would help our husbands to have full confidence in us and that we would have full confidence in ourselves.
God bless you. 

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